A private event for the Insurance Institute of London

If you are looking to develop your expertise around natural flood management, biodiversity net gain, regenerative agriculture, or simply build your network of brokers, insurers and insurance professionals working in this space, then our Field Trip to Spains Hall Estate in north Essex is the event to attend.

  • Dig out your walking boots, as the day starts with a 3-hour nature walk around the Spains Hall Estate with Partner and Estate Owner, Archie Ruggles-Brise, where you will visit the beaver enclosure, the Estate’s nut farm and the land it has devoted to BNG units.

    You will learn first-hand about the Estate’s pioneering work at the forefront of climate and nature solutions, with ample opportunities to ask questions, and discuss your thoughts and opinions with Archie and others at the event. 

  • The walk will give you a comprehensive understanding of how wetland restoration and beaver reintroduction are being utilised to enhance resilience to climate-related events in the area. It will also cover the topic of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and how units are developed in practice. You will gain 3-hours of CPD credits:

    1/ Develop a practical understanding of how a Natural Flood Risk Management solution (beavers) can significantly reduce risk exposure

    2/ Gain knowledge of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and how units for developers are being created and managed, and the implications this has for products and policy wordings

    3/ Understand the challenges and opportunities in adapting farming practices to changing climate conditions, government policies, and market demands, and how the insurance industry can encourage these practices.

  • There will be a lunch and facilitated discussion in the nearby village of Finchingfield, and a chance to network with other industry professionals before returning to London by the end of the day.

Led by Spains Hall Estate Manager

  • Climate Pusuits, Archie Ruggles-Brise

    Archie Ruggles-Brise

    Archie Ruggles-Brise took on the role as Estate Manager of Spains Hall from his father in 2018, and has reshaped the direction of the estate towards a nature-first approach and is repurposing the land towards a more environmentally sustainable future.

    A Chartered Water and Environment Manager, with 20 years experience, a 1st Class Honours degree from Newcastle University in Applied Biology and a Master’s Degree in Rural Estate and Land Management, Archie is committed to transforming farming to take better care of the environment and providing greater habitats for wildlife on farmland. Archie manages the day to day running of Spains Hall Estate’s 860 hectares of ancient woodland, nut agroforestry, grassland, tenanted farms, and a ground-breaking beaver and natural flood management project. He masterminded the reintroduction of beavers into a fenced enclosure in 2019 to combat village flooding – the first project of its type in East Anglia.

    Archie sits on the Anglian Eastern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee and helped found the North Essex Farm Cluster.

    Archie contributed to two recent water reports 1) CIWEM’s “A Fresh Water Future” and 2) Green Finance Institute’s Financing Natural Flood Management so can bring those learnings to this training.

The details.


  • 0828: Departing train from London Liverpool Street to Elsenham (Essex)

  • 1000: Arrive at Finchingfield and commence guided nature walk with Archie

  • 1300: Lunch in Finchingfield followed by an afternoon facilitated workshop and breakout sessions

  • 1600: Return train to Liverpool Street

Who is this for?

This experience is intended for insurance professionals with any level of experience, but particularly those looking to grow their network of other insurance professionals in the space. We apologise that due to uneven terrain, we cannot accommodate those with mobility issues on this experience. 


Tickets cost £175, excluding train travel costs. Transport will be arranged to take you from Elsenham Station to Finchingfield in the morning, where the walk will start and end, as well as for the return journey back to Elsenham Station”.

There are 30 places available, sold on a first-come-first-served basis. You can book a maximum of 3 spaces for you and colleagues. Click the button below to secure your place.